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Word from the Father

The woman who suffered and endured many hardships to care for her three children because she couldn't do what her friends did to survive simply because she has found My Son has already received her reward on this Earth. She paid the price so that her children wouldn't have the life experience she had. Her children also followed the way of holiness. She taught them to flee from sin so that suffering and hardship wouldn't knock on their door. She taught them to live their lives in My fear. As she received her reward on this Earth, what about My Kingdom? When her days were over, she came home to Me to rest. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Man like you. I created you out of My body. I Am a talkative. That's why I speak in a language all of you can understand. If I don't speak, you won't hear. If you don't hear, you won't know your right from your wrong. If you know your right from your wrong, you will know how to avoid the traps of the enemy. If you avoid the traps of the enemy and they can't hold you captive in any area, then you're a winner.

Paying every price for the sake of Heaven is a risk worth taking. Nothing on this Earth you can compare to Heaven. The most beautiful place on this Earth is nowhere near the lowest place in Heaven. I created them both. A life that has My fear forsake all things just to please Me. If you please Me, then you please yourself. If you displease Me, then you displease yourself. Am I the one to come to Heaven? Heaven is My abode, and I invite you to come and live with Me. But to live with Me, you must pay the price here on Earth. Once you've paid the price, you'll be rewarded. How many of you are ready? Even those among you who claim they're serving Me fell away when little affliction knocks on their door. I know every heart, and I test every heart. Many athletes compete for a race on a field, but only those who finish the race can receive a medal. My medal is unlike an earthly medal. Mine is eternal. Therefore, pay the price of holiness and receive the prize of glory.

My Emphasis

Glory to Him who loves and chastises us. Many started the race, paid a heavy price, but couldn't finish to receive the prize because the enemy defeated them. If a man started with holiness in the morning and became worldly at noon or evening, the grace is no longer there for him when the night falls. When the night fell, he would go to sleep and wake up on the other side. His afternoon or evening has spoilt his morning. He will get the prize of eternal damnation because the measure of holiness in him is not up to scale. It's a shame! Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:12-13, "Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved." It's not how far; it's how well.

The enemy has flooded the world with luxury through which children of God lose focus easily. They want to acquire as much as possible so their generation won't suffer again. They forgot that holiness is the only tangible thing a father could leave for his children. If a man teaches his children the way of holiness after his departure to glory, Heaven will watch over his children and their generation. My prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit should open your inner eyes to know where your wrong lies so you won't miss your place in the end. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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