Put Your Trust In Me

Word from the Father

If you trust somebody, you'll believe whatever he tells you. You'll not hesitate to do whatever he asks you to do. You'll do anything for him because you trust him. If he says you should surrender your life to him, you'll do it because you trusted in him. But can you trust a human being? You cannot trust human beings because all of you are sinners! No matter how much you trust him, Satan can tempt him to do what will hurt you terribly. That's why no man is trustworthy. I Am a Trustworthy Father. I Am the only One you can trust because I know you more than you know yourself, and I will never disappoint you. I Am the Almighty God.

Many of you don't believe in Me, but you claim you do. If you believe in Me and put your trust in Me, I will meet you there if I ask you to wait for Me at a particular place until I come. No matter how long I delay, you'll keep waiting. You'll keep waiting for Me because you put your trust in Me. If anybody tells you to do otherwise, you'll be angry with that person because your faith in Me is very strong. Unfortunately, none of you has such a heart.

All of you are reading My Word, reading what My children passed through in the time of old. It's very easy to read, but can you do what they did? Abraham heard My voice, and he left his father's house. Just like that? Do you think it was easy for him? Imagine yourself living your life; somebody you cannot see told you to leave your father's house. Will you believe him? In the time of old, things were very easy because the means of communication you have today wasn't there. They can easily make their decision and abide by it. But today, many words you hear and many videos you watch can discourage you. People around you can even tell you that you're hallucinating. Before you know it, you'll begin to doubt Me.

Inside the church, all of you are running a fruitless race, the race of destruction. If I ask you to wait for Me, you don't even believe in Me. Imagine what you'll do if I ask you to wait for Me. You're saying if you depend on God, He will not answer you quickly. Yes, I will not answer you in your own time because I work on principle. I cannot see dirtiness in you and answer your prayers as you want. No! I will answer your prayers, but in My own way, in My own time. As you're praying to Me because of what you want, I will begin to cleanse you so I can have your soul back so you can enjoy your blessing. If I see that I've cleansed you to a satisfactory stage, I'll answer your prayers. Now you can see that I Am not a wicked Father. Unfortunately, many of you cannot wait. Because you cannot wait, you settle for a counterfeit.

If I gather one-thousands of you together, those among you who really trust in Me are very few. Very few indeed, because you love the things of this Earth. Seek Me and My Kingdom first! Haven't you read it in your own Bible? Many of you are seeking the things of this Earth first and put Heaven last. Even Pastors! They want to live like everyone and forget the reward I prepare for them. If you put your trust in Me, will you lack anything? You will not lack anything. However, you may not have too much so you can focus on My work. This is how I deal with My servants. Yes, you'll live in a house. Yes, you'll drive a car. Everything you have, the trace of evil must not be found in it. That's why any of My servants who understand spiritual things deeply will hardly take gifts from anybody. If somebody is dirty and offers any gift to My servant, he automatically transfers his dirtiness to him. But if you put your trust in Me, you'll be contented with whatever I give to you.

My Emphasis

In the Book of Psalms 125:1-2, the Bible says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever." If a man puts his trust in the Father, he'll live in absolute security because no stranger will enter his house, even if he leaves his door wide open.

The Bible again says in the Book of Psalms 34:7, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them." He delivers them out of what? He delivers them out of trouble! A man who trusts in his God will live far away from trouble because his God will always watch over him and fight for him. If anyone raises an ugly hand, he'll use it to strike himself.

The Bible says again in the Book of Psalms 111:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever." Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." If you trust in the Father, you'll also fear Him. The fear you have for Him will keep you from going against His will. That means if you fear Him, you also fear yourself. And if you don't go against His will, you also don't go against the will of your Spirit.

The Father is a Father who always loves to showcase His children before Satan. And if you fall into such a category, won't you deny your God? If you put your trust in the Father, no matter what you see or what comes your way, you'll continue to trust Him because you have an assurance that He'll neither leave you nor forsake you. He'll be with you until the end. If you have this kind of precious assurance, you'll live your life with complete boldness. Where others are complaining, your heart will be at peace because you have the Almighty as your Backbone. I pray for you this day that the grace of the Father will be sufficient for you so that you will continually trust Him as you walk this pilgrim path in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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