If you have a headache and visit the doctor, he'll ask you what's wrong with you. If you tell him, he'll prescribe medication for you to ease your pain. If the headache doesn't disappear after some time, he'll refer you to the hospital. In the hospital, they'll conduct a series of tests on you. They'll know how to diagnose your problem if they find out anything. However, if they can't find out anything and your headache persists, then you should know without a doubt your case is spiritual. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Deliverer. I Am the Great Healer.
I created doctors to deal with physical illness. If you're injured, they're there to dress your wound, and it will heal. If you have an accident, they're there to treat you. If any part of your body is deformed through injury, they're there to give you an artificial. I didn't create them to transplant organs from one person to another. I gave doctors the wisdom to treat My children, those who don't believe in Me, but they must know their limit. Any spiritual illness, I Am the One who can deal with it. Though you cannot see Me, I use My servants to represent Myself. More than seventy-five percent of illnesses are spiritual. I didn't create doctors to deal with spiritual illness. They don't have the power.
If a worm entered your leg through a particular spot, it turned into a sore. If you want the sore to heal quickly, you'll remove the worm eating the leg. But if you cover the sore, the worm will be there eating your leg. The sore can never be healed. So is a doctor who deals with spiritual illness. If a woman is unable to deliver her baby through natural means, that means a demon has blocked her way because he either wants to take her life or the life of the unborn baby. Why? Because she committed sin! However, the doctor will carry out the baby through caesarean section. What will happen to the demon? He will live with that baby. This is what doctors are doing in the world. But if she opens her mouth and confesses, the demon will leave her, and the baby will be delivered by natural means.
When the woman with the issue of blood touched My Son, what happened? Was she the only one that touched My Son? Many other people with problems touched Him. Why did He persist in saying that somebody touched Him? Because the power went out of Him, and He felt it. Why? Because the woman carried a higher demon! Whenever the demon socked her blood, he would vomit it. Whenever he vomited the blood, the woman would bleed profusely. This was her problem. In this present era, if a woman has such a problem and a doctor deals with her issue, what happens to the demon? It will now become a generational illness, transferring from one person to another within the family. But somebody was healed by touching Somebody!
Many of you don't know what you're doing to yourselves and your generation. Those of you who call yourself a Christian, whenever you're ill, you'll remember your doctor before you even remember Me. If your illness is spiritual and the doctor found a solution for you without you confessing your sin, you must know what you've done to yourself and your children. When I gave Moses Ordinances to My children, I created many departments. Did I ask him to build a clinic or hospital where My children would go whenever they're ill? No! Because I believed that if they could follow all the Laws and Ordinances I had given them, no illness would chain them down. Whenever they were ill, they would go to the Priest, and the Priest would know exactly the kind of sin they committed that made such illness come upon them and the solution for it. But today, illness chains down many of you in the hospital, and you call yourself a Christian.
You cannot give what you don't have. In the early years of my ministry, I used to jump into everything. But when the Father appeared to me, taught me why problems come upon His children, and gave me the solution, I stopped jumping into everything.
If you visit our churches today, you will see that Christians have a series of problems. A mother who knows she has a problem will go around fasting and praying so she can be delivered. What about her husband? What about her children? Any particular problem with any member of the family has become a problem for all! They must all seek solutions together. As long as they eat and live together, they must seek solutions together. This is how the problem will disappear from the generation. Nobody must find a solution alone.
In Britain, they're seeking a solution because of loneliness. Where will the solution come from? When they've left their Father and Creator behind. They said they don't have a Father and that they exist by themselves. They've abolished every Law the Father gave their forefathers to follow. In a land where a woman with a child without marriage was once treated as an outcast because they knew it was against the Law of the Father. But what's going on now? They encourage many abominations. The children have lost one part of their parents into the world, and the other one must work to make ends meet. The children would be alone at home, and nobody was there to correct them whenever they were wrong. They grew up with so much negativity and thought it was normal. Now it's escalating gradually and they don't know the way forward. They can never find any solution until they bring forward the Father they've left behind. But can they?
Those of the household of the Father should follow the Law and Ordinance of the Father diligently. If there is any problem, the Father is the only Solution. Cut off every chain of affliction so that your coming generation can live in peace. Sin is the root of every problem, no matter how little. It took somebody to start it, and it'll take somebody to stop it. But as children in the household of the Father, you must find solutions together. This is the only way and a permanent solution. May Jehovah God, God of all flesh, open your eyes and heart to the truth of His Word in Jesus' name. And no matter what you're passing through, stretch out your hands and touch the Master who stands by you. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.