When I called Abraham, I knew why I called him. I called him because I wanted to raise a holy nation through him. Isaac was the child I promised him. Through Isaac, I brought out Jacob and Esau. Jacob was the carrier of the nation. This was why he passed through many afflictions. I prepared all his children for what they would be. Judah was to rule the nation while Levi was My mouth, to deliver My covenant to My children. He had no inheritance among his brothers because I was his Inheritance. He had no life of his own. I was his Life. He couldn’t make his own decisions because I made decisions for him. In a nutshell, he depended solely on Me in everything. I Am Jehovah God Almighty. I Am the same God of Moses.
As My servant, if I chose one out of twelve to deliver My ordinance to My children, you must know you’re like him – Levi. On this Earth, you’re number one. Though you would face many challenges because of the one who constantly contends with Me over My children, don’t worry; I will be with you. No matter what they do to you, I will stand for you. However, let sin be far away from you. Do not acquire physical wealth. Acquire unseen wealth, the wealth of My Kingdom. People may look down on you physically, but you’re better than them because you’re their solution. This is why you shouldn’t depend on them. I set everything from the beginning that they would receive their blessings through you. Depend solely on Me to meet your needs. Many trials and tribulations await you but rejoice because I Am your Father and the Man of War. Nobody battles with Me and wins. No matter what you may pass through, hold on to Me, and I will finally reward you.
As a servant of God, a lot of responsibility is placed on your shoulders. You must not fail! Though somebody is there wishing you to fail, you must not fail. You should hold on to the One who walked the Earth before you, the Redeemer of your soul. He is the Example for everyone to follow. He came, He lived, He worked, He moved among the children of the Father, He delivered the message of the Father, persecuted beyond measure, but was captured to glory because He obeyed the Father in all things. He is our Example.
As a servant of God, you must depend solely on the One who sends you. You’re a servant! A servant has nothing except what his master gave him. Do the work as if your entire life depends on it. You have no other life apart from the life of the Father. Yes, tribulations and afflictions are part of your journey, and you must accept each one with open arms as it comes. Let the joy of the Lord fill your soul. Look unto Him who shed His blood for you. Remember that no matter how much you suffer on this Earth, you can never compare it with the glory that awaits you. The Father depends on you to bring His children back to Him. This is why He will do everything to keep you on track. No matter what you experience along the way, be assured that the Father is right there with you. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.