Mountain Prayers

Word from the Father

When I called Abraham, I didn’t wait until he left his house before I communicated with him. I spoke to him right there inside his house, his father’s house. I knew many demons surrounded him, but no demon could stop Me from communicating with any of My children. As I own them, so also, I own you. One servant cannot disturb Me from communicating with another servant. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Seer and Deliverer. Nobody can stop Me if I'm ready to deliver you.

I have nothing against you going to the mountain to pray, but of what good is your going to the mountain if you’ll come back and continue with your normal pattern of life? You can fast and pray anywhere. Anywhere you are, I Am there. All I need from you is holiness. The only reason you can decide to go to the mountain is if you have many people living in your household because the more people you have in your household, the more demons you have there too.

If you’re living alone with your wife and children and you’re sure you and that woman are compatible to be husband and wife, there’s no need to go away from your house. If you’re treading on the path of holiness, I expect the wife and the children I gave to you to be on that path with you. If they’re on that path with you, why trouble yourself going to the mountain? You’re running away from your house going to the mountain to pray because of demons. Are there no demons in the mountain? The ones living on that mountain are more than the ones living in your house. Or do you think you can reach Me quicker if you go to the mountain? I Am everywhere! That’s why they call Me Omnipresent Father.

If you go to the mountain because of demons, where do demons live? The enemies you’re running away from, where do they live? They live inside your body! You can pray anywhere to expel demons away from you. The worst thing that could happen to you is the Spirits I embedded into you to stand against your blessing. They’re even worse than demons because they’re part of your life. It’s like you yourself standing against yourself.

I said it before that a woman had a dream where she sentenced her son to prison by herself. Yes, it’s true! This is part of the Spirit I sent to live with her while coming to this Earth. This Spirit is part of her, and only death can separate them. They are Good Spirits, but your sin can corrupt them and make you see their other side. They will end up standing against your blessing. Whenever you’re praying against your enemy, if I answer such prayers, you will be dead because you’re your own enemy.

Wherever you live, I want it to be My dwelling place. How can your house be My dwelling place? By doing My will and abiding in My Word! This is all I need from you. If you like, you can embark on one hundred days of marathon fasting and prayers; as long you fail to appease the Good Spirits I put inside you that you turned to evil, you cannot have peace. As you embark on your one hundred days of marathon fasting and prayers, they’re fasting with you. Whenever you finish, everything becomes normal. As you’re eating, they too are eating. They feed through your body. All of you don’t know what you’re joking with.

What is the food of a dog? Is it not faeces? If you train a dog to drink blood, after some time, if you give him faeces to eat, he’ll be looking at you like a fool, and if you’re not careful, your own dog will drink your blood if there’s no other blood available to drink. I told all of you before that the other side of everything I created is a disaster. This is why all of you must be very careful what you do and how you live your life.

My Emphasis

If an Angel is sent to deliver a message to a man, he’ll be given strict rules to follow. They will assess the circumstances of that man before sending him to him. They will look at the kind of environment he lives in and whether it’s conducive to delivering such a message there. If many ungodly people live in his household, They may tell the Angel to wait for him in a secluded route he normally takes. If the Angel mistakenly delivers the message to him in his house, the demons in his household will overpower him and he’ll hang on this Earth, unable to return to Heaven. But if he lives among godly people, the Angel will deliver the message to him in his house.

The Father is a Spirit, not a flesh. He deals with only Spirits. If you look at all the men and women the Father have used in the past, none of them went to the mountain before He met them. He met them right there in their house. There was a reason why He decided to appear to Moses on Mount Sinai. This is why we shouldn’t generalise everything. I didn’t go to any mountain before He came to Me, yet, everything He has taught me and revealed to me is more than what’s written in the Bible. I was right there in my house, even in the midst of powerful demons. But the Earth and everything in it belongs to the Father.

Fasting and prayers are not like the food you eat every day. Sin makes Christians engage in fasting and prayers all the time. As I once said before, the best prayer is to appease the Good Spirits in you to work with you and continually assist you in your daily walk. If this is achieved, your life and journey will be easy. The world we live in is full of mysteries. The human beings you see physically are not the same human beings you see spiritually, and the spiritual is more powerful than the physical.

As a Christian, the Father expects everybody in your household to have the same mind, a holy mind like you. You can do away with anybody easily, but you cannot do away with the members of your household. If there’s only one ungodly person among ten members of a household, Satan can use that one person to destroy the remaining nine. This is the concern of the Father. The Father doesn’t want us crying, weeping, or engaging in fasting upon fasting all the time. If He had wanted it, why did He create food? The best solution is for you to surround yourself with godly people, not godly by the flesh, but godly by the Spirit. If this is achieved, before you open your mouth, the Father will answer. If you fast and pray for only one day just to renew yourself, it will yield the result of a year’s fasting. Why? Because you walk in the way of holiness.

My dear beloved, wisdom is more profitable than knowledge because knowledge without wisdom is futile. Many Christians can quote the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, yet, they lack the Spirit of the Bible. Until the Spirit of the Bible is in you, this is the only way the Word will have any meaning to you. Bible or no Bible, every Word of the Father is one. As a Christian, if you cannot recognise the Word of the Father whether in the Bible or through an ordinary script, then the Spirit of the Father is not in you. If you’re serving the Father wholeheartedly, you must recognise His Word whenever you come across it. I pray for you this day that the Holy Spirit will open your spiritual eyes and heart wide so that you will always know and understand what the Father says at a particular time in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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