Mind What You Speak

Word from the Father

Whenever I Am dealing with a man, he alone knows that I’m dealing with him. Nobody else knows anything. Whatever he tells you, you’ll either believe or disbelieve. When I asked My son Hosea to marry a harlot, I had My reason for it. I loved you; I hate you; I love you again. It was a sign for My disobedient children because they loved sin. None of you understands My way. Even if I’m dealing with you, I will hold your heart in My hand because everybody will be against you. Is it easy for everybody to run away from you, to be treated as an outcast? Unless I hold your heart in My hand, you will turn back from following Me. In this case, if you open your mouth and speak any word against such man, against whom do you speak? You speak against Me. Who will fight such a battle? It is My battle. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Originator. I Am the Authority. I hate disobedience. I hate sin.

Many of you call yourself Christians, yet, you open your mouth and speak what you know nothing about. You don’t understand My way. I choose My children and use them in whichever way I like. You cannot dictate to Me who I should use and not use. I own all of you. I know the kind of Spirit I put inside all of you. Yours is to do My will and live a life that pleases Me. Whichever way I decide to use another person isn’t your business. No matter how holy you are, if you speak what you don’t know against anyone I use, you commit sin, and you have a case to answer. You don’t run your mouth anyhow. You should always allow My Spirit in you to judge what’s right. Let the Spirit in you lead you before you speak. All of you are sinners! That’s why demons control your mouth to speak all sorts of rubbish.

When I brought My Son to this Earth through Mary, was it common? How would a woman claim she’s pregnant without any man laying with her? It was My Law to stone such a woman to death so that the land wouldn’t be polluted. But what did I do? I Am the Owner of the Law, and I know what to do. I visited every key decision-maker in the neighbourhood so they wouldn’t destroy the work of My hand. Why did they obey Me if they didn’t put their trust in Me? But some people in the land called Mary a prostitute. Some even called My Son a bastard. What do you think I did to such people? It is better for you to do your business elsewhere. If you cross My path, you’ll manage whatever you see.

It is not easy for anyone I choose. It’s a life of sorrow because he cannot make his own decision. I decide everything on his behalf. But many of you lack My Spirit. You’ll open your mouth and abuse such a person. You’ll even go ahead and say he’s suffering for his sin. Do you know what and how sin looks like? Have you seen one before? Why won’t you mind your business? Why should you run your mouth where you shouldn’t run it? Many of you laid a curse upon yourself because of your ignorance. Yet, you claim you’re serving Me. You shouldn’t use your wisdom to judge My Word. That’s what all of you are doing in the church that turned everything upside-down. None of you knows your right from your wrong anymore. You speak anyhow and act anyhow. You’re all foolish! All of you should go back into My Word and learn what’s good. Touch not My servant either with your hand or your mouth, else; you’ll incur My wrath.

My Emphasis

Nobody understands the way of the Almighty. His way is righteous and holy. He doesn’t act anyhow. He acts for a reason. He doesn’t speak anyhow. He speaks whenever He means business. Nobody wants to go on the journey with the Father willingly because it involves so much. A lot will be at stake. Your entire life revolves around His command and decision. You cannot decide anything on your own. You’re just there waiting for Him to tell you to move before you can move. If you move on your own accord, you commit sin. Sometimes, He may tell you to do some awkward things. You must obey whether you like it or not. Everyone knows that prostitution is a curse. For the Father to ask His own Prophet to marry such a woman, there was a reason behind it. This kind of case isn’t what anyone should run his or her mouth anyhow. One should be very careful to speak in such a case.

Ten years ago, the Father commanded me to begin to send His Word to His servants. I managed to gather the e-mail addresses of four-hundred Pastors together. Most of them are here in Europe. Some of them sent me negative messages while others blocked my e-mail address from coming through. As a servant of God, if you don’t recognise the Word of the Person you claim you work for, then you’ve missed your route. I passed through a lot, both physically and spiritually. At a point, the gate of the house I lived was removed as a mark to know exactly where to launch their attack spiritually. They came truly, but they met my Father. As the Father was pushing me around the city of London just as He did to Abraham, moving from one house to another, some people were saying I was suffering for my sins. But the Father kept assuring me that He was with me. The journey with the Father isn’t a mere journey. Many people lost their lives on the way.

At a point in Prophet Isaiah’s ministry, he preached naked as a sign to the Israelites because of their sins. Jeremiah faced hardship and humiliation, even at the hands of his relatives. Moses’ siblings spoke against him because he once married a strange woman. One shouldn’t use physical eyes to judge spiritual matters. You may end up committing sin in the process. When Jesus claimed He was the Son of God, the Jews wanted to stone Him for blasphemy. Did He blaspheme? Was He lying? He was speaking the truth! Those who called themselves the custodians of the Law stood against Him and put Him to death. But He prayed on the cross that His Father should forgive them because they didn’t know what they were doing. One is to pray, and another is to answer. If you pray, who will answer? All those who punished and crucified Him suffered both physically and spiritually. Their generations are still suffering the consequence of their action today. Anyone that crosses the path of the Father has his own life to blame.

My Beloved, if anyone is passing through any affliction around you, speak no word because you don’t know where such affliction came from. When the friends of Job spoke about what they didn’t know, they ended up making sacrifices in atonement for their sins. They were not free until Job prayed for them. Mind whatever you speak! If you see anyone in affliction, pray that the Father should glorify Himself instead of running your mouth and incurring the wrath of the Father upon yourself. I pray for you today that the Holy Spirit will grant you wisdom and discernment in this journey in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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