Living Two Lives

Word from the Father

When I created the Earth, I separated the land from the sea, and nothing should join both of you together. Both of you are like two parallel lines that should never cross each other. Today, you have put your hands into many things, and you invited the creatures in the sea to live in your body. There is another side to everything I created, and it’s a disaster for you to ignore My Law. None of you bothers to ask yourself where all the incurable illnesses come from. The evil spirits I created fight you everyday because you ignore My Law. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I created light and darkness, good and evil. Anyone who chooses evil will become an abomination to Me.

When I created Adam and Eve, I put them in the Garden until I drove them out. Even when I drove them out, did I drive them to live in the water? If I had driven them to live in the water, would they have survived it? They would have died. If they had died, would you have come to exist? But today, many of you live double lives. You’ll live on the land and live in the sea. I, Jehovah God never joined two Spirits together. If I do, there will be chaos everywhere. This is why I laugh at what many of you are breeding. Imagine combining the seed of a lion and an elephant to produce something else; what do you think you’ll bring out of it? This is what all of you are doing everywhere. This is only physical; what about spiritual? You’ll cause more confusion than you can bear.

In the church today, all over the world, if the Holy Spirit comes down and opens your eyes to see those who claim they’re worshipping Me, you’ll not believe what you’ll see. While some are lions, some are tigers. While some are crocodiles, some are pythons. While some are goats, some are fish. But all of you are human beings together. None of you has ever asked why Heaven should reject everybody. Because evil has mingled with your Spirit!

Even many of My servants married unclean wives. They’re married to Jezebel. If My servant is married to Jezebel, how do you expect him to do My will? As he’s paddling the canoe to the right, she will be paddling it to the left. If you have two drivers driving one car, won’t the car crash? This is what many of My servants are passing through. Many of them cannot speak out about what they’re passing through. Can anyone hide anything from Me? This was why I asked My children in the time of old to send away their unclean wives and children because they’re pollution to My children.

Many of you know how you see yourself whenever your body is at rest. All of you are serving Me in flesh, not in Spirit. If evil has taken over your Spirit, which one will you use to serve Me again? The few among you whose Spirit is clean should cleanse himself more so that when the time of judgement comes for the children of disobedience to receive their reward, you’ll not partake from their punishment.

My Emphasis

Darkness and light don’t dwell together. As one disappears, the other one comes to stay. Both good and evil were created by the Father, but we’re created for good, not evil. In a world where both good and evil are interwoven, how can we know who’s who? But the Spirit of the Father is light that sees into the deepest darkness. The Holy Spirit is the Revealer of every secret.

Many servants of the Father, both past and present are victims of such circumstances, among whom I am chief. If not for the grace of the Holy One, I would have become history. Fish gives birth to fish, and lizard gives birth to a lizard. The Word of the Father cannot be changed. In the time of old, He ordered His children to send away their unclean wives. However, we don’t do such a thing anymore because of Jesus Christ. But if you’re in the midst of fire and you’re comfortable with it, the Father will not force you to leave. If you’re uncomfortable, you know what to do.

The body of Christ is full of strangers, spiritual strangers. Even these strangers have invaded the altar of God. This is why the church is cold and full of agents of darkness. But Christ is still Christ. The Father is silent because He doesn’t want Satan to seize the opportunity and destroy all His children. This is why it seems the Father fails to act. And before He does anything, He must weigh it very well and provide an alternative place of refuge for His innocent ones so they won’t be swept away with the wicked. This is why it takes time before He acts.

Those who find themselves in such a condition should seek help immediately. The Father sent Jesus Christ for such a reason so that the captives could be set free. But you must open your mouth and confess. If you hate what you see, open your mouth. Evil is evil, and nothing to substitute it. Christ is calling you today to come out of darkness and receive your freedom. If you’re willing, you’ll receive the gift of freedom in Christ Jesus.

Those who hate evil should continue to hate evil. Those who’re pure should keep themselves pure. Those who’re running the race of holiness should not give up, for greater is the reward that awaits them. In this race of life, full of temptations and trials, grace, abundant grace is given to the children of obedience. This grace will lead them beyond their dreams to the land beyond the sea. Hallelujah! Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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