Know Your Congregation

Word from the Father

If you have children and have trained them to the stage of fetching for themselves, you’ll know everything about their wellbeing. If somebody asks you about the kind of work they do, you’ll answer without scratching your head. If you could know the kind of work that your children who live far away from you do, how much more your congregation who worship in your church. If you don’t know the kind of work they do, that means you don’t care about them. This is not a matter of interfering in their affairs, but it’s about doing the work I give you to do. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Great Rewarder. Whatever you do, I will reward you.

There are different kinds of work I gave My children to do. Many of them are doing another person’s work. Yet, if they do it legitimately, they can still get something out of it. However, it won’t be like the work I gave them to do. Many of you in My house does illegitimate work, yet, My servants care less because they only care about their own pocket. As a Pastor, you have fatherly care towards every church member. You must know everything about their physical and spiritual well-being. You cannot say it doesn’t concern you. By the end of the day, this is the area I will give you your marks.

A good father cares about his children and their well-being. As a Pastor, if any of your congregation is doing the kind of work he shouldn’t do, you’ll know. You'll quickly call him back because he’ll destroy himself if he continues. Not only that, but his sin will also affect the church. For example, if you have a man in your congregation who is into fraud and he donates money to buy church instruments, what kind of instruments do you think you’ll buy? You’ll end up purchasing the instruments of demons. The instruments are genuine, but because of how he acquired the money he donated, the instruments become the property of demons. As you’re playing them, praising Me, the demons are dancing because you’re playing their instruments.

In My house, I expect at least eighty out of a hundred to come to Heaven because Heaven is not for everybody. But if all of you choose to go to Heaven, it’s a good thing. In a situation where less than five out of a hundred go to Heaven in one church, what kind of servant are you? Judge yourself! You’re a failure. You're a failure because you don’t know what you’re doing. The fact that you have millions of congregations doesn’t mean you’re better than the one with a hundred. If eighty people come to Heaven from the one who has a hundred congregations, can’t you see he has done well? But you have thousands or millions of congregations, and all of them are chaff. What do you call yourself?

If you value your life and the life of those you pastor, you’ll know how to preach to them to change their ways. How can they change their ways if you don’t preach the right message to them? Many of them go to Hellfire because they feel what they do is right. All of you love to preach, so you could keep them in your church so they wouldn’t run away. Do you have another Heaven to which you’re leading them? The more you refuse to preach holiness to your congregation so they can live right, the more you also do yourself harm because you’ll land in Hellfire.

My Emphasis

Many Christians cannot differentiate between right and wrong. Though they could define wrong on a larger scale, to define it on a minimum scale is challenging. Many of them could abstain from the major sins, but the others become a normal way of life. Christians could take items from their place of work without feeling they’ve done anything wrong. They’ll tell you that’s part of the reward you get. Yet, they all get paid every month. Many are into different kinds of businesses that are illegitimate. Yet, they don’t see anything wrong with it. I’ve not spoken about the ones in the position of power. That one is a different level of evil. All of them will quote the Book of Ecclesiastes 9:10, which says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.” They’ve forgotten that a man will only reap whatever he sows, either good or bad.

If the church preaches the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the number of congregations will reduce drastically, yet, the quality will increase. Today, servants of God are only concerned about numbers and quantity, not quality. The Father is concerned about those who will go to Heaven. If the whole concept of Christianity is the way we take it, there was no point for the Father to send Jesus Christ to die. Until Christians understand the concept of sin, this is the only time they’ll begin to live right. Right now, the church is full of righteousness and unrighteousness, and you cannot differentiate both.

As a servant of God, every church member is like your son or daughter, not in age, but spiritually. In some cultures, church members call their leaders fathers or mothers. They don’t call you father for anything. You must relate with them as such. As a father, you’re there to watch over them and counsel them. Whenever they’re going astray before Satan leads them far, you should know it without anyone telling you anything because you and the Holy Spirit are One. If you’re far away from the Holy Spirit, how will you know if something is wrong? It is your responsibility to look after their well-being spiritually. If anyone refuses to come to your church because of the kind of message you preach, praise God for that.

The Father places a huge responsibility upon your shoulder for being His servant. This is why no matter what you do, nobody can reward you except the Father alone. You must watch over your own holiness everyday and look after the flocks you pasture. Let their spiritual life be more important to you than their tithe and offering because the Father needs their soul in Heaven. I pray for you today that Jehovah God will carry you through and lead you to safety in the end in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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