Importance Of Atonement

Word from the Father

Whatever work I do, I do it once and for all. And if there’s any problem along the line, I know how to control it. I Am the Controller. I never abandon My work. I always make sure I guide it until the end. When it happened in the Garden, it happened at the root. Once a problem affects the heart of a tree, you can only uproot it and burn it with fire. But I Am God. I have another alternative. I know how to control it. This is what I did. I Am the Almighty God.

If Adam and Eve hadn’t committed sin in the Garden, it would have been difficult for death to cut off any of you like a chicken because your Spirit would be holy as I wanted. But because your Spirit isn’t holy anymore, there’s a need for atonement. This was why I gave the Ordinance of blood to My children, and this was why I brought My Son to seal everything.

Sin or no sin, on this same Earth, people have lived and caught up to Heaven by a whirlwind. Any man who couldn’t be caught up to Heaven by a whirlwind requires blood for atonement. For you to be caught up to Heaven by a whirlwind, that means your Spirit is more powerful than your flesh. You’re just like an Angel.

Samuel, My Prophet was a man who recognised evil and ran away from it, yet, he died and didn’t go to Heaven. All of you can only know what I reveal to you. Though I didn’t take him to Heaven, he lived in the best place in the Dark-Planet, awaiting the day of atonement. No matter how holy a man is, if you have children, I will weigh all of you together. Once you’re not up to where I want you to be, there’s a need for atonement. This was what robbed Samuel.

Many of you are wasting your time and life in the church without knowing how to really serve Me. Many people like you served Me in the past but were returned to the Dark-Planet because they didn’t fulfil the criteria to enter Heaven. Those of you who’re alive today should be thankful that I see a vessel I could use to pass My message across to you. This is why as many of you who come across this Word of Mine through My son, you’re in trouble if you don’t make it.

Those of you with a heart for My Word, spread it as much as possible. Tell everybody to turn back from the path they’re treading. Tell your fellow Christians that I need nothing else apart from holiness. Only holiness will lead you to Me. Yes, you’ve sinned; yes, you cannot be caught up to Heaven by a whirlwind. This was why I brought My Son to die. His blood will atone for your sin so that you can enter Heaven. But if you fail to meet My needs, no matter who you are, even if it’s this My son who is My messenger, you’re going to Hellfire.

My Emphasis

O God, who can stand before You with boldness in his Spirit? Who can stand before You and say here I am, judge me; I am holy? Who can plead his case before You? A long time ago, we strayed away from the path of righteousness. No one loves Your Word and Your way. All men have chosen the path of destruction, the path of death.

We have churches across the globe, yet, unrighteousness spreads like locusts. Whoever preaches the message of holiness will be treated like an outcast. The Word of truth, the message of holiness has become too burdensome for this generation to follow. The broad road is more comfortable to travel, but the narrow road is complex and challenging to travel. Yet, this is the road You’ve set for us to travel. Can we manoeuvre through the broad road and still reach our destination? Even a fool knows that in his dream, that’s absolutely impossible.

How can we live in this sinful and crooked world and still reach our destination? There are temptations everywhere. Evil surrounds us wherever we go. If not for Your grace, death would have swallowed us a long time ago. O Lord, I wait patiently for Your deliverance! Deliverance from this sinful Earth is deliverance forever. This is what my soul seeks. But how can a soul receive such deliverance? He must surrender all and be willing to forgo everything. He must be ready to wash his robe daily, watch and pray and live a life that pleases You. This soul shall be caught up to glory when his days are gone.

Blood, O blood, the blood of atonement, given to all men for redemption and purification. The blood that’s more powerful than water. The blood that washes and cleanses more than soap. This is the blood that was given to sinners for the redemption of their souls. O that men may value this eternal opportunity. O that men may know that there’s no other route to their destination except through the blood of atonement. But I and my household will wash and cleanse our robes daily in this blood so that we can be ready for that day when our Spirit will resurrect and appear in Heaven. Glory hallelujah! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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