If you know how to do good, do it without expecting anything from the person you do it for. I Am the Rewarder of both good and evil. Whichever one you know how to do, do it with your might, and I’ll reward you for it. I Am the Almighty God.
If you do good and you expect something in return, that’s no more good because you’ve received your reward already. If there is good you should have done but thought there’s nothing to gain in it and you failed to do it, you’re a wicked person. I will also reward you for your wickedness.
I Am the Creator of every soul, and you have your choice to make, the choice to do good and the choice to do evil. If you’re in a position of power and you know how to do good for your own wife and children, what about others who have nobody to speak for them? But you’re in that position to speak on their behalf. However, you closed your eyes to the suffering of the people, shut your ears to the cry of the needy, and you think you can sleep peacefully on your bed. Peace is far from you because you’re wicked.
In the church, My servants shy away from the truth because they don’t want to lose their members. Instead of them telling them the truth so they could change, they would cover the truth and speak with one corner of their mouth because they have another Heaven they’re taking My children to. I Am the Almighty God and the Rewarder of everything. I will surely reward you. I will put you in whatever position that is due to you. Instead of you repairing the lives of My children, you also helped them in destroying it. Your great reward is awaiting you.
Those of you who choose to live like the people of this Earth, I don’t force you to live otherwise. It’s your choice. I will also reward you because you know the truth. You know the truth of My Word but closed your eyes and do otherwise. Are you better than those who forsook everything because of Me? Are you better than those who chose to live in hardship for My sake? Your reward is awaiting you as well. The whole Earth is Mine, and nobody can take it away from Me.
Every soul comes from the Almighty, both the good and the bad. He has the final judgement on both. A man who knows what’s right and fails to do it is categorised as a wicked man. Wickedness is found in the heart of men, for they’ve all forsaken the path of righteousness.
Satan has taken over the heart of every leader so that the children of the Father will live to suffer. The wife is blaming her husband, the children are blaming their parents, and parents are blaming their children, yet, those who’re to ease their burden are there living their own lives as they please. Why? Because Satan is the one ruling all of them.
For the children of the Father to live in peace, not peace of this Earth, but peace in the Father, their leader must have the fear of the Father. This fear will make them institute godly law for the children of the Father to follow. But what’s happening everywhere? The reverse is the case. Evil has taken dominion everywhere. In this present day, it’s very hard to see a leader that fears God. This is why Satan has succeeded in using them to overturn every Law of the Father so that the children of the Father could suffer and die. Even the few who have the fear of the Father are afraid to speak because everyone is running for their dear life. But history has it that when adversity prevails over the entire land, an impending disaster will follow.
Those who have chosen the way of the Father should encourage themselves and persevere because great is the reward of those who finish the race. May the grace of Him who called you keep you on track always, even now and till the end. Amen. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.