I Hate Divorce

Word from the Father

You picked a woman yesterday and asked her hand in marriage. She was very happy because of the love between both of you. With joy, both of you gathered family and friends together to join you together in marriage. But today, that happiness turned to sorrow and led to divorce. None of you knew what went wrong, but kept blaming each other because you failed to understand what it takes to serve Me. But you opened your mouth and gave your vow ‘For Better or Worse’. You didn’t know what the outcome of the journey you just embarked on would be. You thought it was shallow. I Am the Almighty God. Nothing can change My name forever. Every Word I speak cannot be erased.

If you opened your mouth with happiness and said, ‘For Better or Worse’, you thought it’s just an ordinary word. Spirits were there when you were saying it. When the good time was there, happiness was in the home, but when the bad time came, both of you went your separate way. You thought it ended there. No, it will stand against you until you die. Not only against you; your children and generation will continue with the pain. I Am the only One who can remove the curse. And if you’ve given your life to Jesus Christ, it will also lead you to Hellfire.

The spirit of sexual immorality leads to divorce. Idolatry also leads to divorce. It’s a clash of spirits when they don’t have a common goal. Every Word I’m teaching all of you is for the coming generation. As for this present generation, I Am the Almighty God, I will wipe all of them away. Many of you cannot pay the price to get yourself out of the mess you’ve put yourself into. You will see an entire generation, and no single one among them has a husband. All of them are single with children. Even in My church! Abomination everywhere! The few among you who can pay the price and break the curse of evil will live.

The husband is the head of the house. Two drivers cannot drive a vehicle unless they want to die. I made one to be the head and the other to support him. But in a home where the woman is the husband, how will that home be? No matter how much you paint yourself, evil is evil. For you to have a strong heart to ride over your husband, automatically you have another husband that holds your heart to act in such a way. The spirit of fornication occupies the position of joy and happiness in your life. When it’s already occupied, where will joy and happiness come from? All of you don’t understand what’s happening around you because you’re blind. As it is for the woman, so it is for the man.

Marriage is more spiritual than physical, and the spirits of the vow that holds you together can only depart at death. Once you’re married, your Spirits are interwoven with each other. Who will separate you? Even if you divorce and marry another person, you still remain married spiritually because the spiritual side of marriage goes a long way. This is why it’s good for all of you to seek My face before embarking on such a journey. Even if I join you together, you must follow My Law and Ordinance for you to have peace.

My Emphasis

Every plan of the Father for His children, every work He did is for good, not for harm. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, the Father didn’t separate them because He was the One that joined them together. Rather, He punished both of them and made them suffer the consequence of their action together.

Marriage is a mystery and the Spirit that binds husband and wife together is very powerful. If the home is sweet, Satan hates it with passion. He will find one thing or the other where separation will come. And living in a world where fornication is a common food, his job becomes very easy. This is the tool he uses to cause confusion. If you don’t commit fornication, it’s already in your blood through the parents that gave birth to you. And if you give your life to Jesus Christ before you start producing children and you cleanse yourself properly, this is the only way the Father will delete a lot of demons away from you so that you won’t share them with your children.

Look into the world today, marriage is failing every day, and nobody knows why. It’s spiritual! Until everybody understands the Law that guides this Earth and does what’s right, this is the only way peace can be restored in each home. And a home without Jesus Christ, peace is far from such a home. The Bible says in the Book of Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” And the Bible says again in Hosea 6:6-7, “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. “But like men, they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt treacherously with Me.”” And Malachi 2:16 says that “For I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “and him who covers his garment with wrong,” says the Lord of hosts. “So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.””

The Bible says in the Book of Daniel 11:32b that, “Those who know their God shall do great exploit.” Failure is far from the Father, and because the Father and His Son didn’t fail, we too will not fail if we hold on to the truth we’ve received. This truth, we must impact into the coming generation so that the Earth can give them peace. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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