A nineteen-year-old young and undefiled man found a seventeen-year-old young and beautiful virgin, he took her to his parents, and they were married. Their parents taught each one of them My Law before they met. They were taught My fear. This was why they kept themselves pure and undefiled. They carried on with their lives, and children started coming. By the time the young woman was thirty years old, she had eight children already, and the babies stopped coming. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Holy Father.
A thirty-and-five-year-old woman would tell you she’s not ready for a husband yet. If she’s not ready for a husband at this age, when would she be ready for children? Many of them are in My house. This is the category of people who have polluted My church. You don’t want to marry, and you’re enjoying yourself with a man. Is that what your parents taught you? If a young man picked a wife, all of you would say he’s too young because all of you have chosen the way of destruction. This has been your practice on this Earth, and your sin is smelling everywhere. Do you all know more than Me? If parents are holy, they will also give birth to holy children. Even if parents are not holy, but they realise their mistakes in time and teach their children My fear, their children would right the wrongs of their parents and joy would fill My heart. Why should I be sorrowful every day because of the children I created? Why should I worry Myself every day because My children have polluted the Earth I created for them to live?
If parents are holy, their children will follow in their footsteps and so on and so on. What would happen to the land? There would be peace everywhere. Holiness brings peace and joy. Holiness brings prosperity. Holiness brings good health. Because the Earth lacks holiness, this is why there is so much pollution everywhere. But I have made up My mind to purge it clean of all atrocities.
The problem on this Earth is caused by those who have the knowledge of the Father. If at least forty percent of us could live right, this Earth would be a better place to live. Every day by day, we pass on disobedience from one generation to another. The Law of the land has taken the position of the Law of the Father, yet, we’re all comfortable with it. Children have the freedom to choose whatever they want to be. This is why I will speak again as I spoke before that the nations who have elevated their own law above the Law of the Almighty will realise many years to come that they’ve not given birth to children but to demons everywhere. With the state of the world now, how do you think it will be in twenty years to come? If righteousness diminishes every day, where would peace come from? The Earth would be filled with so many atrocities because we’ve given Satan and demons the key to rule and ruin our lives.
The Father is a Holy Father, and He loves a holy family. If the entire family is holy together, living in fear of the Almighty, the Father will use every power to care for them. We’re not speaking of money, but undeniable peace will surround them wherever they go. It is high time for each and every one of us to call a spade a spade and let people know where we stand. The law of the land can do whatever they like, but that law could end at your door. Right there inside your house, you and your family could choose to follow the Law of the Father, and no one would dare persecute you for it. Let us make holy and righteous choices so that the Earth can yield peace for our children to enjoy tomorrow. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.