When a woman is pregnant, whatever she eats is what the unborn child will eat. If she eats clean food, the unborn child will also eat the same food. If she eats dirty food, the unborn child will also eat the same food. Whatever she eats, both physically and spiritually, that’s what the unborn child would eat. If a woman has a clean heart, if a woman’s Spirit is clean and holy, her holiness and purity would extend to the unborn child. The spiritual state of a mother that carries a child in her womb matters a lot. I Am the Almighty God. Holiness is My food. Sin is an abomination to Me.
When I brought My children out of Egypt, I made them pass through hunger for some days before I released My food down for them to eat. Throughout their journey in the Wilderness, this was their food. If I was taking them to a physical Promised Land, why should I bring food down from Heaven for them to eat? That means the kind of food that enters a man matters a lot because food makes his Spirit grow. Before I took them out of Egypt, I asked Moses to teach them the kind of food they must eat. While they were in the Wilderness, they were taught the kind of food they must eat whenever they got to the Promised Land. I also fed Moses with heavenly food while He was with Me on Mount Sinai.
If a woman has a clean heart and puts clean food in her pot for her children to eat, they would take after the holiness of their mother. If the food is clean, the source of the food must be clean as well to complete everything. What goes into human beings matters a lot, and this was why I created clean and unclean food, and nothing can change it. I Am the Almighty God.
The hand that prepares food matters a lot. When a woman cooks her food, she cooks it with her Spirit. This is why it’s very easy to poison any food. If a mother is angry and she prepares food for her children to eat, whoever eats that food eats sickness to his or her body. If a mother is clean and holy and she prepares food for her children, even if there is any illness in their body, that food will heal them. Why? Because she’s holy. The Spirit of holiness and evil are always against each other. This is why it’s very important for a mother always to prepare food for her children to eat. In the Western world, the fast food industry has taken the position of mother’s food. This is one of the reasons why many illnesses have flooded the world.
It's not enough for a mother to be clean and holy; the food and its source must also be clean. The Father created clean and unclean animals – (see Deuteronomy 14). Whatever the Father created, absolutely nothing can change it. The coming of Jesus Christ doesn’t change the Law of the Father. Eating unclean food is like eating sin because what’s unclean is unclean. If food is clean, the source must be clean as well. Clean food that was stolen automatically becomes unclean. Everything is interwoven together. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.