If you fall into a hole and you’re not dead, will you stay there? No, you’ll stand up, and if you can’t stand, you’ll shout for help. If you have an accident and you’re injured, if there’s still life in you, won’t you continue where you stopped? You’ll thank your God that you’re not dead. You can’t kill yourself because you fail. Those who did that took the law into their hands. If you’re going on a long journey and you fall, won’t you rise to complete your journey? Even if you fall a thousand times, all you’re concerned about is getting to your destination. Even if you fall and you have bruises all over your body, you still want to finish your journey because it’s important to you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of hope. I give hope to the hopeless.
When I sent My Son to this Earth, did He come with bruises on His body? He came clean. How did He return to Me? He came to Me with marks all over His body! He was on a mission, and He accomplished His mission. If your today is not okay, you’ll hope for a better tomorrow. The journey of this Earth is not what any of you can predict. All you should ask for is My grace for each day you live.
If you start a business, you want it to succeed at all costs. Nobody starts a business and prays it fails. No, you’ll put all your effort into it so it can succeed. The journey of life is like that. The fact that you’ve failed doesn’t mean that’s the end. You learn through each stage you’ve failed. You cannot make the same mistake again. Even if you make the same mistake again, you still want to continue. As long as death hasn’t visited you, you still have hope for a better tomorrow.
Those who failed and gave up aren’t fit for Heaven. They’re foolish in their thinking. None of you knows how the Earth was formed. It’s none of your business how it runs. All you’re interested in is waking up in the morning and living your own life each day. That is how I want it. It’s My business how the Earth moves so it doesn’t collapse. Yours is to live your life each day until death will visit you.
Many of My children have lost hope. Some are even saying they don’t know if God even exists. I Am the Almighty God, and I know what each of you is passing through. Hold yourself together and move on. Ask for My grace each day, and My grace will be sufficient for you. Move on, steer ahead, and you’ll surely reach your destination.
Don’t give up, it’s not over. When you give up, then it’s over. Hold on to the Lord; trouble not your heart. Even when you fail, it’s not over. This is a song of encouragement.
Jesus Christ declared in the Book of Matthew 6:34, His last sentence that says, “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” We all pray for a better day. But whatever happens today, we still hope for a better tomorrow. One day has taken years away from many people because they don’t have God. The Bible says in the Book of Daniel 11:32b that, “Those who know their God shall be strong, and shall do great exploits.”
Many of us have failed in various areas of life, yet, the gift of life is still in our favour. Many who failed have gone ahead and made great progress in their life. People couldn’t even tell if they’d failed once or not. But some took their own life because they couldn’t continue because they didn’t know God.
My dear friend, we have hope in Jesus Christ even if we fail. He is the Example for those who follow Him willingly. We have great examples of men who’ve failed at our disposal. The Bible is full of stories of those who failed and went on and did great exploits. Our own case is not different if we hold on to the Master. May His grace abide with us always. Amen. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.