Drink Water From Your Cistern

Word from the Father

If you have a cistern and you labour very hard to get it, you will cherish and value it. Whenever you drink water from it. It will give you peace because it’s yours. But if you drink water from another man’s cistern, unless he gives you permission to drink from it, you will not have peace. There’s nothing like what belongs to you. Whatever belongs to you, if you get it in a legitimate way, Satan cannot use it against you. However, if it’s not yours, you’re in trouble in his hand. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am a Holy Father. A sinner shall know no peace.

If a tree is young, you can bend it in whichever direction you want. But if it’s grown up, you cannot bend it anymore. Every child was born by a woman and will later become an adult. If a certain behaviour is found in the hand of a child, if there’s no adult to take it away from him, it will grow with him. You must understand that everything that affects human beings on this Earth is spiritual. They take control of the heart of their victims. Such spirit will grow with that child, and it will be difficult to leave him unless he gives his life to Me. Any spirit of sin that lives in you is as old as you are. What many of you are passing through has been settled right from your childhood.

As a young boy, you know how many women you lay with. You even lost count of them. While you thought you were enjoying yourself, you never knew what the consequence would be until you gave your life to My Son. The moment you gave your life to Him, all hell broke loose on you because you angered them. The demons will tell you that, “Well, since we’ve been protecting you, is it now you want to forsake us.” They will deal with you in their own way. But if you genuinely give your life to Me and My Son, We will stand and fight for you.

Some of you are married, and your heart remains the same as when you were a youth. For all the sins you committed, which body did you use in committing them? Is it not the same body? Every sin you committed, you dropped something into your bucket. And if you fail to empty it before you marry, your wife will share from the demons. As it is for a man, so it is for a woman. Many of you are married, but you cannot stop sleeping around because an evil worm lives inside you. The water inside your cistern doesn’t satisfy you until you drink from an illegitimate cistern, another man’s cistern. If you marry more than one wife, you commit sin. Even though you don’t marry more than one wife, but you cannot stop sleeping around because an evil seed lives inside you.

Many of you are inside the church, and this includes My servants. Many of them married other wives in a corner who produced illegitimate children for them everywhere. If you’re committing sin, how can you preach the truth to My children I asked you to bring to Heaven? But I will start My judgement on you because you lay evil examples for My children to follow. You cannot be drinking water from two cisterns at the same time and still think you’re coming to Heaven. You cannot be sleeping with two women at the same time and think you’re coming to Heaven. You should not joke with your life! If you know that evil worm is inside you and you cannot stop sleeping around, deliver yourself. In that process, I will reveal to you the root cause of it. But if you close your mouth and continue to enjoy yourself, the Earth will spit you out when you least expect it.

My Emphasis

If you’re in need of food, you’ll spend the money you have to buy it. If you have no money, you can either borrow from a family member or a friend. But if you see somebody’s food and you eat it before asking, you will be called a fool and a thief in the end. The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs 9:17-18 that, “Stolen water is sweet; and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he does not know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol.” King Solomon wrote concerning adultery and the way of the adulteress in his proverbs. He, having tasted several women in his lifetime, came out with the conclusion in the Book of Proverbs 5.

The world we live in today has opened so many doors of destruction for every young man and woman. Any child that’s not brought up in the way of the Father will lose his birthright even before he clocks eighteen. Many years ago, when I was still in school, though it was boys only school, they committed all manner of an abominable acts. Those who were in boarding school engaged in all manner of atrocities. Many of them even engaged in deep sexual sin like lesbianism (girls only) and homosexualism (boys). All of them took their destroyed body to their various marriages some years later. Whenever a young man committed fornication with a young girl in his youth, ignorantly, he makes a covenant with the demon of sexual immorality to do the same to his unborn daughters.

The way the world is going, in years to come, the number of those in marriage will decline drastically to a shocking state. As long the law of the land turns a blind eye to the moral and spiritual life of her citizen, that means life will become unbearable for many people because hardship and poverty will ravage the land. As a man, you’re to live all your life with one woman in marriage. Whatever differs from this becomes an abomination to the Earth. All well said, if the root of your life is full of corruption, how can you enjoy your marriage? If you’re that young man who loves sleeping around, how can you enjoy your marriage? Before two people come together in holy matrimony, they must empty their bucket before any man joins them together. Because the children of the Father take everything for granted, they hereby entered marriage with their body which was full of sin. However, no matter how your life might have been, if you come to Jesus Christ and surrender all to Him, He will definitely rewrite your story. You must discipline yourself and abstain from all manner of evil. Let the breasts of your wife satisfy you. Drink water from her cistern alone which is yours. I pray for you today that Holy Spirit will lead and guide you throughout this journey in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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