Blood And The Ground

Word from the Father

If you purchase a large piece of land which is full of green plants and trees, go and buy gallons of strong chemicals and begin to spray every plant you see on the land. It’s only a matter of time before the entire land will become desolate because no single plant will grow on it. If you plant a seed, as it germinates and begins to grow, spray it with chemicals and watch what happens. It’s only a matter of hours; it will die. If you could pour chemicals into the river and kill every fish in it, you should know what happens whenever the blood of a human being enters the ground. Blood is an abomination to the ground because the blood of a human being is life. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Ancient of Days. I Am the Originator. I Am the Great Deliverer. I Am a Holy Father. Evil is an abomination to Me.

If you plant your seed and cannot water it with chemicals, why are you shedding blood? When Cain killed his brother Abel, what happened to his corpse? The ground rejected it because blood is an abomination to the ground. Why do I send down rain? Do you think you’re the only one that needs it? The spirits of the ground need water to drink. Blood is an abomination to them. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator. I Am the Owner of this Earth. No one knows how I formed it. No one knows how I created it. Every blood of a human being that enters the ground needs atonement. Nothing can atone for it except the same blood of a human being. In the time of old, before I ordered some people to be killed, I might have settled their Spirit already so they could live in peace in the Dark-Planet. I don’t scatter Spirit around anyhow. All of you are killing and shedding blood as if you’re calling down rain. Are you the Owner of the Earth? As you’re shedding blood, you’re killing the ground. If the ground is dead, how will it produce food for you to eat? After the first and second World Wars, if I didn’t settle some lands on this Earth so that My children could run there and live, I don’t think none of you could have been able to live on this Earth by now.

Whenever you shed blood, you’re killing your blessings and the blessings of your generation. This is why I hate witchcraft. I hate idolatry. I hate any form of the shedding of blood, either on a small or large scale. I hate it because when the repercussion comes, you’ll still cry to Me. And whenever you kill any human being, you give Me extra work. Blood calls to blood. If a man dies unlawfully, his blood will call another blood. When will the killing stop? It will never stop because all of you are evil! Many of you call yourself Christians, yet, you still engage in the shedding of blood. Why did I kill My Son for all of you? Why did I allow Him to suffer because of you? If you claim you’ve given your life to Him, why are you still shedding blood? Even My own servants aren’t exempt from this kind of abomination. They kill physically and spiritually. Some even sacrificed human beings to lay the foundation of their church. In any church where this is done, demons will be in control of such a church. You cannot be praying to Me and killing My children at the same time. Some of you did it a long time ago and closed your mouth. With it, you’re preaching on the pulpit. No matter how much you preach, you’re only wasting your time because Heaven is far away from you. If Heaven is important to you, you must open your mouth and confess. If you do it, you’ll not care about the outcome. Your focus will be on Heaven no matter what happens to you afterwards.

My Emphasis

Every good and perfect blessing is from the Father, and there is no sorrow in it. We run more than ourselves and invite all manner of evil into our lives. The Father gave Eve to Adam, but some of our patriarchs went ahead and married many wives. The many wives they married became their downfall. David was a man after God’s heart, but the many wives he married gave room for Satan to ruin him. As children of God, whatever we acquire in our own way will bring us sorrow in the end. If we wait patiently for God and allow Him to release His blessing upon us in His own time, we will surely enjoy it. If He also refuses to give it to us, we should know that He is a Father and will not give unto us what will bring us sorrow.

Whatever the Father gives to us, either living or none living, He Himself will watch over it. The Father can only release His blessing upon whoever recognises Him as a Father. If you know your father as a father, he will always meet your needs. Before you ask for anything, he will provide it. This is an earthly father; how much more the Almighty God! If we fear Him as our Creator and Father, He will watch over everything that concerns us. If the enemy plans anything, He will reveal it to us beforehand. His blessing adds no sorrow at all. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name. May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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