If a man is ill, he has hope of getting healed, but if he dies, the hope of coming back to life dies with him unless I want to give him a second chance. Many of My children are ill both physically and spiritually. My house is full of different kinds of illnesses. Every day by day, My children are crying to Me for healing, but none of them is listening to what I Am saying. Of what benefit is it to Me to heal you, and you go back into your sin again? It’s profitable to you, but it’s not profitable to Me. If you’re crying for healing, I will heal you in every area. I know you’re only crying for healing, but I know that what’s wrong with you is more than getting healed. If you’re ill and you get healed, what happened to your children and their generation? In the first place, what brought the illness upon you? Many of you are seeking healing, seeking miracles, yet, what’s wrong with you is a generational illness, and if I don’t heal you from the root, somebody else in your lineage will suffer the same fate as you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Healer.
If you’re ill to the point of death, you’ll cry for healing because you don’t want to die. If your hands are clean, why should you cry? You should be happy that at least you’re leaving this world and going home to meet your Father. But you’re crying because you don’t want to die. If I allow the illness to kill you, what is that to you? If I heal you, won’t you die again? I purposely allowed some of you to pass through affliction, so you could open your mouth and confess. But what were you doing? You were crying and weeping! Father, I must not die; Father, I must not die like this; Father, I paid all my tithe and offering; Father, I paid all my dues in the church; Father, my children are young; Father, I’ve been serving you all these years, and I must not die now. Am I the One you’re counting all these for, justifying yourself? I said you’re dirty, and I wanted to cleanse you, but you refused to open your mouth, and you’re crying for healing. It’s healing you wanted, isn’t it? Now you’re healed, is that all?
I Am the Great Deliverer. Nobody will capture you if I deliver you. And if I deliver you, I deliver you all. But all of you are seeking your own profit because you’re selfish. If you’re ill, everybody in your household is ill as well. The fact that the illness doesn’t come upon everybody physically doesn’t mean it’s not there. If you’re ill, it’s an opportunity for Me to cleanse the whole family, but none of you wants it. The fact that you prayed for healing and you got it doesn’t mean you’re coming to Me whenever you die. The fact that you died, and somebody prayed for you to come back to life and you came back doesn’t mean you’re coming to Me whenever you die. I Am the One that gives healing, nobody else.
Of what good is it to Me to heal you and you’ll slap Me on the face? You know that every life you’re living is not good. Now that you’re ill, instead of you to open your mouth and confess your sins, you’re still bragging calling Father, Father, Father. If you trouble Me too much, I will heal you. But wait until you die and see if you’ll enter My rest. I Am not a wicked Father. I love a heart that bleeds because of sin. I love a heart that hates sin. All of you should put your heads together and seek wisdom from Me because you lack wisdom. Why should you die of sickness? What did you do that made the sickness come upon you? Without sin, there’s no miracle. It is sin that brings miracles. All of you should stop running after miracles and focus on holiness. If you pursue holiness, you’ll not commit sin. And if you don’t commit sin, no illness will knock on your door. If illness doesn’t knock on your door, no untimely death will also knock on your door. You’ll live in peace in every area.
In the history of this Earth, the Father has done three major things; namely, the flood, parting the Red Sea, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These three are the major things the Father did on this Earth. When Jesus started His Ministry, the Father did a lot of miracles through Him for the Jews to believe in Him. Various miracles were performed, but many weren’t recorded. But the top of them all was when Lazarus came back to life. And you could see that this caused the rulers of the Jews to act fast and kill Jesus Christ.
If a man dies, it’s like someone travelling on a journey. For him coming back to life is not a big deal for the Father. It’s like telling him to go back to where he’s coming from. And when this happens, the same man will enter his physical body again, and we’ll call it a miracle and resurrection. The Father had done various miracles like this in the history of human beings, yet, all of them died again.
Many of you might have heard or read the testimonies of those who visited Heaven and Hellfire. If you look at their accounts, they’re never the same. However, all their accounts have something in common which is the glory of Heaven and the horror of Hellfire. This is what the Father is concerned about. He is not concerned about healing or raising someone from the dead because He will not doubt His own power. But He’s mainly concerned about your death, that if you die, where are you going?
Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, and they gathered together and killed Him. But the same Lazarus, where is he now? He died! Some have had the revelation of Heaven and Hellfire, but after they finally died here, they couldn’t enter Heaven because they didn’t meet the criteria. This is why none of you should think my entrance to Heaven is automatic because the Father is using me to preach His Word to His children. No! I was only born for this purpose! This is why the Father expects more from me than any of you because He has revealed a lot to me. The more you know the Father, the more trouble awaits you if you fail.
As children of the Father, serving Him wholeheartedly, nothing should move you at all. Whatever comes upon you, you should count it for joy and know the Father will neither leave you nor forsake you. What is more important for you to do is to cleanse yourself more by confessing your sins and praying for mercy. This is the kind of heart the Father loves. I pray for you this day that the Father in His infinite mercy will hold your heart in His hand and will never let you fall away even in the midst of trials in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.