A Peaceful Soul

Word from the Father

If you have My knowledge and My fear at the early stage of your life, you’ll eat and satisfy. My peace will surround you wherever you live. If you’re contented with the little I give to you, My peace will surround you everywhere. When it is time for you to marry, I will choose the right person for you. You’ll have children at the right time. No sickness will come near your dwelling. But if you choose sin as your closest companion at an early age, you’ll also enjoy your life as you wish. You might have lived more than half of your life before you come to Me. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll receive the reward. What you’re supposed to do in the morning, if you postpone it either to afternoon or evening, Satan might have taken you far away from your blessing. Blessed is he who has My knowledge early. My blessing and peace will not depart from him and his generation. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am a Holy Father. I Am a Perfect Father. I Am the Giver of peace.

Many of you are serving Me the best way you can, yet, your heart is far away from Me. All your effort is to have the goodies of this Earth as much as you can. You cannot serve two masters. If you’re serving Me, you must forgo worldliness. If you want to serve Me and still gain this Earth, you’re like travelling on two roads together. How is it possible to travel on two roads when you’re one? That means you must forget one and hold on to the other. Satan has constantly hijacked the soul of My children right from the beginning. He took away the heart of those who didn’t put their trust in Me. Whenever their heart is hijacked, he’d give them what will make them forget about Me.

There are so many Christians in the world, more than in the time of old. Yet, the quality isn’t there like in those days. They had My fear. They knew what I loved and hated. Today, all of you are crying and weeping because of what you want. When it is time even to pray, you have no time because you’re too busy making end meet. In the time of old, My children had nothing, yet, they had the time to serve Me. All of you have whatever you need in your own little way. You even live a better standard of life than they. Yet, you’re never satisfied with what you have. Your soul is crying for more every day. You’ll not be satisfied until you enter the grave. Many Christians have died untimely death simply because of what they wanted. Satan cut off their lives prematurely because they stepped out of their boundary.

What is this life all about? You have food to put in your stomach, shelter on your head, and cloth on your body. That is all! Every other thing is luxury. The very moment you desire more than what I give to you, Satan is watching you. He is watching your heart. He will come to you and give you whatever you need so you can leave your peaceful abode. The moment you leave your boundary, he’ll strike you. He knows that what you’re asking for isn’t meant for you. But he will supply your needs just for him to have his way in your life. If he gives you one, he’ll take four away from you. That’s how he operates. Many of you will not value what you have until you’ve lost it. After you’ve gone your way and are bruised, you’ll come back crying to Me. Am I a wicked Father? What have I done to you? What offence have I committed? Did I drive you away? This is why all of you are crying and weeping in the church. After you’ve enjoyed your life as you wished, you’ll come back crying to Me so I can rescue you. A little dried morsel eaten with peace is better than rice and chicken eaten without peace.

My Emphasis

Blessed is the man who knows his Creator early. He will be grounded in wisdom and knowledge of the Most High even before his adulthood. Peace will surround him in every area. The Bible says in the Book of Psalm 125:1, “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” If you have peace and you don’t value it, then something is wrong with you. Many had little, but when they sought greener pasture, both they and the little they had were lost. Many lost their lives in the process. The Almighty God is a peaceful Father who surrounds His children with peace.

When the nation of Israel feared their God, they lived in peace in every area. They were satisfied with what they had. However, when their heart began to move away from the Almighty God, when they wanted to be like nearby nations, they were penalised for their greed. The Bible says in the Book of Deuteronomy 8:19, “Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.” Until you lose whatever God has given to you, you cannot value it.

If you visit the hospitals, you’ll see patients who have everything a man could ever have. They are lying there; they depend on others to take care of them. Some of them wouldn’t have allowed anyone to touch their skin if not for illness. They’re so full of themselves. Many of them are racists! They value their own lives above others. When illness chained them down, why couldn’t they pay off the spirit so that the illness could leave them without visiting the hospital? Nobody can destroy the Law of the Almighty. The best every soul on this Earth can do for himself is to live in fear of the Father. The moment you want to live beyond your means, seeking what God hasn’t given to you, then there is chaos.

As Christians, no evil, no sickness or disease should live near our dwelling. The peace of the Father and His Son should surround us everywhere. When Jesus Christ was about to depart this Earth, even though He knew what His Disciples would pass through, He admonished them and assured them of peace. The Bible says in the Book of John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” The Earth is now at the stage where everyone is seeking to make ends meet. Yet, those who put their trust in the Father shall live and enjoy in peace. I pray for you today that Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood for your sake, will surround you with peace everywhere in Jesus' name. Amen! May the Lord give you the grace to walk with Him in Jesus' name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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